2021 is here, and this will be your year! Implement these practice growth strategies to increase your impact and profits. Be courageous and consistent with implementation to start and end 2021 on top. If you are ready to take your practice to the next level, here are 21 Success Tips to grow your practice in…

Become a Certified Ergonomist and Grow Your Practice Exponentially
Do you wake up in the morning with the desire to achieve… Exponential practice growth? A scalable business plan that produces predictable revenue? Passive income that compounds your return on investment? A practice with a consistent influx of new patients who are committed to their treatment plans and who choose to stay longer? Do you…

Posture Reactivation Strategies to Grow Your Practice
“Reactivation” a buzzword among health care professionals. We talk about reactivating our patients while staring at the pile of patient files that fall under the “No Show” category. Sure some of the patients have moved away, and yes, others had a great experience in your office, but they’ve moved on. Amongst the files of patients…

Overcome the 3 Most Common Limiting Beliefs of Neurology by Implementing Postural Neurology
We have listened to your pleas about neurology being hard to understand, your frustration with how expensive neurology seminars are, and how you just wish that neurology could be more practical! At the American Posture Institute we get it! We have experienced many of the same frustrations, leading to the creation of the Certified Postural…
Your Golden Ticket to Success in 4 Steps
Your Unique Expert Position (UEP) is the defining factor of your business. The specialty that you represent. The core of your internal and external marketing. The base by which you evaluate all business decisions and growth strategies. Your UEP, when leveraged appropriately, is the golden ticket to success in practice, enabling you and your organization…

Get the Research on Posture and Productivity
As observed through multiple studies, posture can have an overwhelming effect on our energy levels, hormone release, and overall productivity. Having the wrong posture while at work and habitually enforcing that posture overtime can and will lead to many negative and harmful effects to one’s health. This is especially true of those that do computer…

5 Reasons Why Functional Tape is the Solution to Ethical Practice Growth
Functional tape – you know, the crazy colored tape that became an overnight phenomenon in the healthcare industry. There is a reason why this type of tape is loved by patients of all genres. From athletes to desk-letes, patients love functional tape. There are multiple reasons why patients love the utilization of Functional Tape, and…

How to Make Your Posture Practice a Mindset Monopoly
Everyone in business understands the concept of monopolies. A monopoly is defined as “the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.” Monopolies have been criticized throughout history because they allow one person or enterprise to control the market and buying behaviors of the mass population. Thus making it…

Equip Your Clinic with the 3 Most Important Postural Correction Strategies
Structure dictates function and chronic dysfunction leads to structural decline. This is one of the most important concepts to understand regarding the Posture System of the body. This cycle of structure and function is directly related to the health and performance of the human body. The purpose of the Posture System is to hold the…

Pre-Educated New Patients from Posture Workshops
Content marketing is the most effective way to attract pre-educated new patients to your practice. Content is king. By providing potential new patients with easily accessible information about what you do and how you do it, you are educating them before they ever step foot in your door. The ability to distribute content via social…