There are serious consequences of poor posture, and patients are suffering more now than ever before. Poor posture can be associated with musculoskeletal disorders and physiologic dysfunction of the body. These problems are not only causing pain, but they are a burden to the patient and to society. Did You Know? 80% of Americans report…

How Chiropractors & Health Care Professionals Are The Solution To Poor Ergonomics Costing American Businesses Billions of Dollars
As a Health Care Professional, you are no stranger to treating Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) from poor ergonomics in the workplace. However, did you know that according to United States Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), MSDs account for 33% of ALL worker’s compensation costs? Because of this, Osha has been…

Are You Sitting Yourself to Death?
Did you know that excessive sitting is a risk factor for increased mortality? Americans are literally ‘sitting themselves to death’ and becoming more and more obese in the process! Leading a sedentary lifestyle is a new age killer. Although the research supports that an ergonomic workstation and classroom setup can help prevent this epidemic, not…

Your Brain On Technology
As smart phones get smarter, society’s health gets weaker. The effect of technology overuse is affecting communities at an astonishing rate. From poor posture to developmental delays, technology overuse is leading to a new generation of ill health outcomes. As smart phones get smarter, society’s health gets weaker. Modern day adolescents are constantly over stimulated,…

Top 7 Posture Research Studies of 2016
2016 was a great year for many reasons; postural research was one of them! The following research studies demonstrate the importance of posture as it relates to cognitive function, proper development of children, better respiration, and accurate proprioception. Posture is the structural framework of your body. Proper postural design is associated with health and optimal…