Posturology The American Posture Institute defines Posturology as the scientific study of the body’s static and dynamic alignment as it stabilizes itself in space against gravity and other forces. Posturology is a science, it is a method for analyzing the design of the body and how the body aligns itself in relationship to the surrounding…
Diaphragmatic Respiration, a Key Element to Postural Correction
Diaphragmatic Respiration, or also known as “deep breathing” is done by contracting the diaphragm and expanding the abdomen while breathing. Not only can deep breathing keep you performing at your best, it can significantly help improve postural correction. Considering 80% of the American Population presents with low back pain, would you agree that understanding the…
Back to School Posture DON’Ts
To design a healthy change in societal patterns, it begins with changing the lifestyle habits of children. As children develop they are influenced by the norms to which they are exposed. By educating children about the importance of proper postural design, societal shifts toward a healthier population are possible. The new “normal” should be children…
Equip Your Clinic with the 3 Most Important Postural Correction Strategies
Structure dictates function and chronic dysfunction leads to structural decline. This is one of the most important concepts to understand regarding the Posture System of the body. This cycle of structure and function is directly related to the health and performance of the human body. The purpose of the Posture System is to hold the…
Posture Rehabilitation Revolution
Ask yourself honestly. Are still doing old school rehabilitation techniques with your patients? Are you giving your patients exercise handouts that they are crumpling up as soon as they walk out the door? Do you ever wonder if you could have improved correction results if you re-vamped the rehabilitation strategies in your office? Your intentions…
“You Changed My Daughter’s Life!”
“Thank you, you have changed our daughter’s life!” exclaimed Mary, the mother of our 15-year old patient Sonia. “After speaking with the surgeon we decided to put off the surgery,” continued Mary as she hugged her daughter. Later that visit, while Sonia was doing her posture rehabilitation exercises, Mary told me, “I would have had…
Equip Your Clinic with the 3 Most Important Postural Correction Strategies
Structure dictates function and chronic dysfunction leads to structural decline. This is one of the most important concepts to understand regarding the Posture System of the body. This cycle of structure and function is directly related to the health and performance of the human body. The purpose of the Posture System is to hold the…