Everyone in business understands the concept of monopolies. A monopoly is defined as “the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.” Monopolies have been criticized throughout history because they allow one person or enterprise to control the market and buying behaviors of the mass population. Thus making it…

Patients Get Posture: 3 Marketing Strategies to Get New Patients
Just by reading the title of this article you probably did what…? You saw the word “posture” and you instantly shifted in your chair noticing that your shoulders were forward and you are slumped in your seat, am I right? What triggered you to change your physiology when you saw the word “posture”? The trigger…

Generate a Steady Stream of New Patients with Professional Posture Packets
Are you searching for a new external marketing idea that will actually work to draw new patients to your office? Forget the gimmicks or the corny marketing schemes. Instead, focus on adding value, educating, and networking with professionals in your community. Get more pre-educated new patients into your practice this month with this External Marketing…

Patients Get Posture: 3 New Patient Marketing Strategies
Just by reading the title of this article you probably did what…? You saw the word posture and you instantly shifted in your chair noticing that your shoulders were forward and you are slumped in your seat, am I right? What triggered you to change your physiology when you saw the word posture? The trigger…