The “Sitting Epidemic” has swept across the western world, and people are growing sicker and sicker for it everyday! Children sit at school hour after hour, adolescents are seated while checking their cell phones and notifications, and hardworking adults are stuck to the computer monitors in a seated position for hours and hours every week….

3-Step Ergonomic Makeover (That Won’t Cost You A Penny!)
Evolving Workplaces Are FUN-TASTIC And STIMULATING Imagine if your workspace emulated the design of Google where you take a slide from meeting to meeting, you get fed for free in the lush cafeteria, you can relax in the nap pods, and even unwind and ponder your thoughts at the aquarium. Maybe you prefer the AOL…

The Top 5 Reasons Why Corporations Need An Ergonomic Expert
Optimizing human performance in the workplace enhances employee output, directly impacting corporate growth. Greater output of corporate goods and services results in continual incremental growth for corporations. A better standard of working, a standard that takes into consideration the workers’ health and ability to thrive in the workplace, is the business of the future. A…

The Shocking Consequences of Poor Ergonomics
Postural Ergonomics is a blue ocean market opportunity. There are undeniable health benefits of proper posture and good ergonomic design in the workplace. The demand for Certified Ergonomists is high, the value is undeniable, and yet the amount of good Postural Ergonomic practitioners is low. Postural Ergonomics is a blue ocean market opportunity. You can…

Your Brain On Technology
As smart phones get smarter, society’s health gets weaker. The effect of technology overuse is affecting communities at an astonishing rate. From poor posture to developmental delays, technology overuse is leading to a new generation of ill health outcomes. As smart phones get smarter, society’s health gets weaker. Modern day adolescents are constantly over stimulated,…

Real Posture or Active Posture? The Important Distinction for Accurate Brain Based Posture Analyses
The Muscles of Real Posture Many patients lack the postural fitness to hold themselves upright in proper posture through activation of their posture muscles. This is an important clinical observation because poor posture is related to a decrease in neurologic output. Many patients lack the postural fitness to hold themselves upright in proper posture through…

Vagus Baby! 3 Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve
The Vagus Nerve The Vagus Nerve, Cranial Nerve X, is the longest cranial nerve extending from the brainstem to the abdomen. Due to its long course, the Vagus Nerve is commonly referred to as the “Wandering Nerve.” It is involved in sensory and motor activity as well as parasympathetic functions. The Vagus Nerve is an…

Proper Posture for Higher Engagement and Cognitive Performance
Posture and Alertness Did you know that there is a correlation between your posture and level of alertness? With proper posture, not only do you look better and feel better, but you have the ability to sit upright and be more engaged in conversations and learning experiences. There is a correlation between your posture and…

3 Ways To Improve Postural Balance
Postural Balance Defined Posture is characterized as ideal body mass distribution of the patient upright in relation to the force of gravity. Postural control is defined as the act of maintaining, achieving or restoring a state of balance during any posture or activity. Postural control strategies may be either predictive or reactive, and may involve…

Tall Posture, High Self-Esteem
You read it right… a tall posture is directly correlated to a higher level of self-esteem and an uplifted mood. Self-esteem is measured as an overall positive or negative attitude toward oneself. Global self-esteem consists of two aspects, the first is a sense of social worth or ‘self liking’ and the second is a sense…