At age 29 Daniel considered himself a retired triathlete. “I used to be a good one,” he said on his first visit, “but now I’m just a ‘has been.’ “I feel strong and healthy,” he continued, “no pain, I just want to do sports. I was told I had a shot at doing triathlons again…

5 Reasons Why Functional Tape is the Solution to Ethical Practice Growth
Functional tape – you know, the crazy colored tape that became an overnight phenomenon in the healthcare industry. There is a reason why this type of tape is loved by patients of all genres. From athletes to desk-letes, patients love functional tape. There are multiple reasons why patients love the utilization of Functional Tape, and…

Discover 5 Benefits of Functional Tape and Know with Certainty Why it Works
So many of us have seen and heard of Functional Tape. Maybe you are wondering whether this is something worth putting in your practice. Or maybe, you have kind of implemented it into your practice, but you don’t know exactly why you are doing it or why it helps. You didn’t want to miss the…

Have You Tried this Postural Correction Strategy for Neck Pain?
“I feel like I have a ton of bricks pushing on my neck. It kills me at work,” said Johnny referring to his job as a bookkeeper for the largest corporation in town. At week 9 of his complete postural correction treatment plan, Johnny began utilizing Posture Tape to assist in further structural posture correction,…

Posture Tape for Chronic Pain Patients
Johnny, age 41 had been coming in as a patient for 9 weeks. Johnny sought postural correction care for the chronic pain that he felt at the base of his neck and across both shoulders. As Johnny described it, “I feel like I have a ton of bricks pushing on my neck. It kills me…

3 Reasons Your Clients Want Posture Tape
The utilization of Functional Tape has become increasingly popular in recent years. Although the utilization of traditional taping methods to restrict range of motion have been used for a long time in rehabilitation, the utilization of Functional Tape is rather new. Kinesio Tape, along with other brands, is considered Functional Tape. Unlike the traditional taping…

Case Study: Chronic SI Joint Pain
Most people don’t realize that there are actually 5 different taping protocols for functional tape, all of which render different clinical outcomes! Have you ever wondered why Functional tape works sometimes with your patients, and other times not? I can tell you right now that if you have a specific clinical analysis flowchart that you…

The Posture Taping Secret for Triathletes
At age 29 Daniel considered himself a retired triathlete. “I used to be a good one,” he said on his first visit, “but now I’m just a ‘has been.’ “I feel strong and healthy,” he continued, “no pain, I just want to do sports. I was told I had a shot at doing triathlons again…

The Best Functional Taping Protocol for Neck Pain
“I feel like I have a ton of bricks pushing on my neck. It kills me at work,” said Johnny referring to his job as a bookkeeper for the largest corporation in town. At week 9 of his complete postural correction treatment plan, Johnny began utilizing Posture Tape to assist in further structural posture correction,…

Researchers Agree that Posture Tape Reduces Neck Pain
Functional taping, a form of therapeutic and performance enhancing tape, has gained popularity in recent years among patients and healthcare providers. One of the primary reasons for increased awareness of functional taping is that many famous athletes utilize the tape, and spectators have taken notice of the neon colored tapes in non-traditional patterns on athlete’s…