We have listened to your pleas about neurology being hard to understand, your frustration with how expensive neurology seminars are, and how you just wish that neurology could be more practical!
At the American Posture Institute we get it! We have experienced many of the same frustrations, leading to the creation of the Certified Postural Neurologist online program.
It’s not your fault that you’ve been ignoring the brain in practice… formal education didn’t prepare you to take what you learned in neuroanatomy class and apply it to everyday patients. You spent hours memorizing neurologic information for tests and board exams, but because it wasn’t presented to you in an applicable way you likely forgot everything you spent hours of agonizing study time to learn.
You know that the Brain is the Master Controller of the Body, you are sick of ignoring it, but have allowed your limiting beliefs to hold you back from implementation of neurology in your practice.
We get it, doing the same the old thing in practice is easier….
But understanding neurology as it relates to the Posture System will not only double your level of certainty in practice and ensure that you can help everyone who walks in your door, it will provide you with a new level of fulfillment in practice.
You will finally Stop Guessing and Start Knowing with Postural Neurology!
If you are a health care professional who thrives on growing your practice by getting superior clinical results with your patients, then don’t let the 3 most common limiting beliefs stop you from taking action!
Limiting Belief Number 1: “Neurology is over my head!”
Although neurology may be “over your head now” it won’t be in the Postural Neurology course! Students commonly tell us, “This is everything I wish I learned in school!”
Postural Neurology makes the neurologic connections between the brain and Posture System simple to understand so you can apply this knowledge with your patients everyday in practice. Once you learn Postural Neurology you will never look at your patients the same again.
Limiting Belief Number 2: “I don’t have extra time to spend with my patients!”
A common misconception about Postural Neurology is that you will have to spend hours with each patient on every visit. You are too busy for that, and we understand your frustration.
The good news is that this Limiting Belief is not just limiting, it’s a myth. You will learn how to analyze brain function as it relates to Posture in 3 minutes or less on every visit. In less than three minutes per visit you will be making more specific corrections than you have ever made before with your patients!
Plus, many of the brain-based postural correction rehabilitation strategies are intended for at-home care. Your patients will be instructed how to perform at-home brain based rehabilitation that will supplement what you are doing in the office with the patient.
Postural Neurology is a win-win!
Limiting Belief Number 3: “Neurology isn’t practical!”
Neurology hasn’t been practical until now! This limiting belief is squashed with Postural Neurology. In fact, we know that so many of you feel this way. We took this into consideration when creating the Postural Neurology program and don’t hold back anything when it comes to implementation!
In fact, you will learn how to perform a Complete Brain Based Posture Analysis, plus the Neuro Scan! These are implementable ways to evaluate for neurologic dysfunction as it relates to the Posture System.
Then you will learn exactly how to interpret these findings and apply this knowledge to create brain based treatment protocols with your patients that follow the Eyes- Spine- Vestibular mode of correction.
The Postural Neurology Certification dedicates two full modules to clinical application! Your clinical tool belt will be full of neurology application to utilize with the patients who come in your office everyday!
Don’t’ allow these 3 common limiting beliefs to limit your success in practice. You can overcome these limitations with the implementation of Postural Neurology. Join a community of likeminded healthcare professionals who build their practices by focusing on results.
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