The Muscles of Real Posture Many patients lack the postural fitness to hold themselves upright in proper posture through activation of their posture muscles. This is an important clinical observation because poor posture is related to a decrease in neurologic output. Many patients lack the postural fitness to hold themselves upright in proper posture through…
Diaphragmatic Respiration, a Key Element to Postural Correction
Diaphragmatic Respiration, or also known as “deep breathing” is done by contracting the diaphragm and expanding the abdomen while breathing. Not only can deep breathing keep you performing at your best, it can significantly help improve postural correction. Considering 80% of the American Population presents with low back pain, would you agree that understanding the…
How to Set Up a Posture Practice on a Small Budget
Many healthcare practitioners believe that to have a Posture Practice they need a lot of new equipment, a large office space, and extra staff members. This is a common myth preventing healthcare providers from making the switch in their practices to be a posture-focused clinic. Good news… You DON’T need a lot of equipment….
5 Reasons Why Functional Tape is the Solution to Ethical Practice Growth
Functional tape – you know, the crazy colored tape that became an overnight phenomenon in the healthcare industry. There is a reason why this type of tape is loved by patients of all genres. From athletes to desk-letes, patients love functional tape. There are multiple reasons why patients love the utilization of Functional Tape, and…
Systematize Your Posture Exams to Optimize Your Outcomes
Why Perform Posture Exams? The physiologic effects of better posture are astounding in terms of investment. With proper posture there is an open chain of communication from the brain to the body controlling the function of each of the vital organ systems. When the human framework is aligned properly, it moves more efficiently. Proper posture…
Equip Your Clinic with the 3 Most Important Postural Correction Strategies
Structure dictates function and chronic dysfunction leads to structural decline. This is one of the most important concepts to understand regarding the Posture System of the body. This cycle of structure and function is directly related to the health and performance of the human body. The purpose of the Posture System is to hold the…
Pre-Educated New Patients from Posture Workshops
Content marketing is the most effective way to attract pre-educated new patients to your practice. Content is king. By providing potential new patients with easily accessible information about what you do and how you do it, you are educating them before they ever step foot in your door. The ability to distribute content via social…
Inside Look at the Top Posture Certification
One of the most common questions we get asked about the Certified Posture Expert program is how is this certification different from any other posture program? To understand how it’s different, you have to understand where it came from. When we first started in practice, we were like 80% of graduates barely scraping by, struggling…
Generate a Steady Stream of New Patients with Professional Posture Packets
Are you searching for a new external marketing idea that will actually work to draw new patients to your office? Forget the gimmicks or the corny marketing schemes. Instead, focus on adding value, educating, and networking with professionals in your community. Get more pre-educated new patients into your practice this month with this External Marketing…