Postural Ergonomics is a blue ocean market opportunity. There are undeniable health benefits of proper posture and good ergonomic design in the workplace. The demand for Certified Ergonomists is high, the value is undeniable, and yet the amount of good Postural Ergonomic practitioners is low.
Postural Ergonomics is a blue ocean market opportunity.
You can fulfill this market gap and be in high demand as the Go-To Postural Ergonomic Expert in your community. This is your Blue Ocean Market Opportunity for success.
Why Postural Ergonomics
Postural ergonomics meets the need of your target market to infinitely increase your bottom line. There are three researched consumer behaviors that drive patients into health care offices worldwide.
Patients want to:
- Look Better
- Move Better
- Feel Better
Posture is the only health care profession that simultaneously fulfills each of these health care consumer desires, making you the sought after expert. Proper posture in the workplace is of concern to the workers who desire good health for longevity.
Plus, corporate executives and business owners want to keep employees healthy to improve productive output and reduce absenteeism.
Postural Ergonomics is a Win-Win-Win!
- A win for the employees who are healthier and happier at work
- A win for business owners who have better productivity and reduced costs associated with preventable injuries and absenteeism
- A win for YOU, the Go-To Ergonomic Expert in your community! You will watch patients get healthier and your practice thrive!
The Undeniable Benefits of Ergonomics
Ergonomic design is undeniably beneficial for employees and corporations at large. However, there has been a previous gap in the market to fulfill this need.
Research demonstrates that although proper ergonomics is considered best practices for employee health and safety, 88% of managers surveyed had not heard of ergonomic design and 94% of managers have not studied the consequences of improper ergonomics.
According to the Department of Labor in the United States, an employer who implements an injury prevention program should expect a return on investment of up to 6 times the initial fees.
An employer who implements an injury prevention program should expect a return on investment of up to 6 times the initial fees.
Another research study demonstrated how the implementation of a corporate postural ergonomic program resulted in a measurable increase of employee productivity by 54%. Also, employee absenteeism dropped 67%, workers’ compensations cases dropped by 93%, and employee turnover went down by 94%.
Shocking Consequences of Poor Posture and Occupational Ergonomics
When workers are subject to poor ergonomic environments they are predisposed to preventable injuries and long-term health faults.
Posture is the structural framework of your body, the structure that you will carry around with you forever. Proper posture is an important aspect of good health and wellness, whereas poor postural design is associated with structural decline.
Even if poor posture now doesn’t cause immediate pain, recognize the long-term health consequences that workers are predisposed to:
- Advanced Spinal Degeneration
- Productivity Plummets
- Heightened Risk of Injury
- Lowered Metabolic Rate
- Higher Rates of Employee Absenteeism
- Irreversible Damage
- Respiratory Dysfunction
- Postural Aging
All of this can be prevented with proper Postural Ergonomics in the workplace.
The Ultimate Ergonomic Checklist for Enhanced Occupational Performance
This list has the Ergonomic MUST-DO items and activities for optimal health in the workplace. Educating your clients of these concepts can greatly impact their posture and productivity at work.
- Place your screen or device at eye-level.
- Have adequate chair support to maintain a neutral posture.
- Sit on a Posture Cushion or exercise ball for better posture and core muscle activation.
- Get a Stand-Capable desk allowing employees to work from a seated and standing position.
- Move as Much as Possible:
- Walk and talk on the phone
- Standing business meetings
- Balance training at the copy machine
- Take the stairs to your office
- Park at the end of the parking lot
- Walk to lunch
- Sit on an exercise ball or a posture cushion
- Perform desk stretches between tasks
- Mobilize your ankles and wrists while checking your email
- Take frequent Posture Breaks to reverse the effects of gravity.
- Avoid excessive reaching by keeping the most utilized items within an arm’s reach.
- Reduce excessive forces to prevent bruises and abrasions.
- Utilize a headset or hands free telephone to walk and talk, or at least stand up, while on the phone.
- Check your wrist posture during keyboard and mouse utilization to prevent excessive flexion or extension over a long period of time.
- Save your feet and avoid fatigue of standing with a foot pad.
- Avoid excessive spinal twisting by turning your body all the way around to perform tasks.
- Utilize a document holder to hold documents at eye-level.
- Reduce noise pollution to eliminate distractions.
- Ensure adequate lighting and reduce glare to prevent eye strain and injuries in the workplace.
- Eliminate uneven surfaces and rough edges that cause bumps or tripping.
- Avoid overhead work and perform tasks at elbow level for best productivity and muscle strength.
- Have adequate work space clearance to perform tasks without hitting surrounding equipment.
- Avoid excessive levels of vibration associated with heavy machinery.
- Don’t forget Posture Reminders to remind your patients to have good posture throughout the day.
You know what to do, now how do you know what equipment to utilize? Don’t worry, the work is done for you. To get the Ultimate Ergonomic Resource Guide click the link below.
The Ultimate Ergonomic Resource Guide will dive deeper into each of these aspects discussed here, PLUS it will provide you with a resource guide to know what ergonomic equipment to recommend to your patients.
>> Get Your Copy Of The Ultimate Ergonomic Resource Guide Here!
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