Experts get chosen first. Why be a generalist when you can be an expert? General practitioners are just that- they provide generalized care. Generalized healthcare is not bad- but it is also certainly not elite.
When you graduated school did you imagine that you would be average, or did you have a dream of serving your patients with expert level care? Did you dream of being a respected authority in your community? Many of us dared to dream, but then fall into a practice routine leading to complacency as if reality hit us in the face. Being a generalist is a quick road to burnout in practice.
Experts define their Unique Expert Position within the community and they have a target population that they serve and direct their marketing efforts towards. Generalized healthcare practitioners are the Jack of All Trades, but the Master of None. They talk about nutrition and weight loss one day, and massage another day. Their message becomes clouded and inconsistent, they provide general recommendations that the general patient will lack motivation to comply with.
How can you transform your practice? Learn the top 5 reasons to become a Certified Posture Expert.
1) Improved Patient Compliance:
Certified Posture Experts are patient-centered and results focused. They have specialized methods that render evidence-based results immediately pre and post treatment. In a typical patient’s hierarchy of Wants, patients desire to have relief of symptoms as their first priority, and they want timely results as their second priority (Detsky, 2011). When patient expectations meet their results patient compliance and retention for continued care improves.
Research demonstrates that referrals to “Specialists” from general practitioners doubled from 1999-2009. With the pressure of making patients happy, and the consequences of “failure to refer” with complex cases, more and more general doctors are referring patients to specialists (Barnett et al., 2012).
2) Enhanced Doctor to Patient Communication:
Patients understand posture, it is a word that makes sense to them and that they already associate with their health. When delivering a doctor’s report it is vitally important to speak to patients in words and terms that they understand and to support their belief system that proper posture is fundamental to health and well being.
The Report of Findings visit is a critical moment in which patients must decide if they want to commit to a lifestyle change, or continue living their life as they were before. If the patient fully understands what you are communicating to them, and this information matches their beliefs, they will be much more likely to commit to care.
According to the literature, only 20-30% of patients are compliant to lifestyle changes (DiMatteo, 1995). Meaning that 70-80% of the population will say No if they do not fully understand the recommendations that are being delivered to them and how it will impact their lives.
Patients understand posture. A confused mind says no, a clear mind says yes!
3) Become the Go-To Expert:
Become the Go-to Posture Expert in your community and be seen as an authority in your field. When you have expert authority, you can narrow your market and focus on helping the patients that fall within your target (instead of accepting everyone as a patient to try and make ends meet at the end of the month).
When you niche down as an Expert, you narrow your market but broaden your window of opportunity. Experts are chosen first by patients, by corporations, by the media, and by community leaders. Expect that you will be asked to do interviews, to speak to groups, and to be a featured expert contributor. This is the norm for Go-To Experts.
To instantly grow your Expert Authority, begin by developing a solid following on social media. Add value to your followers by staying true to your Unique Expert Position.
4) Charge Expert Level Fees:
When you invest in yourself to have the skills and training to help complex cases at an expert level, you can- and should charge an appropriate fee. How many times have you heard a patient say “I can’t believe nobody told me,” or “I wish I knew about this before”?
Patients are relieved to find you. They have tried everything else already. Don’t offer the same general care they have already received. At the American Posture Institute we charge a high price, but have a money-back guarantee if patients don’t receive objective results. We are certain that what we do works, we guarantee it!
Just as consumers’ preferences lead them to liking the more expensive car or designer handbag, customers are drawn to high price fees. Research demonstrates that people think their food tastes better when it is more expensive (Just et al., 2014); imagine what they think about their doctor.
5) Re-Ignite Your Desire to Serve:
Becoming a Certified Posture Expert is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you grow. The more you know, the more you want to share and implement in your office. Don’t be afraid to revamp your practice – be motivated!
Re-ignite that vision you had at graduation that you would be an authoritative doctor. Overcome complacency in practice and re-ignite your spark to stand out and make a difference in your community.
Generalists are on the road to complacency. You, the Posture Expert, are on the road to practice success and self-fulfillment.
Barnett, M. et al. (2012) Trends in Physician Referrals in the United States, 1999-2009. JAMA International Medicine, 172(2) 163-170.
Detsky, A. (2011) What Patients Really Want from Health Care. JAMA 306(22) 2500-2501.
DiMatteo, M. (1995) Patient adherence to pharmacotherapy: the importance of effective communication. Formulary, 30(10) 596-8, 601-2, 605.
Just, et al. (2014) Lower Buffet Prices Lead to Less Satisfaction. Journal of Sensory Studies, 29(5) 362-370.
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