Why are you drugging your kids for ADHD when a Posture Ball could minimize their problem?
New Research shows that using a Posture Ball could be as beneficial as drugs for ADHD.
In the USA ADHD has become as normal as the Common Cold. Approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. This is more than just a number it is also a costly situation. The annual societal ‘‘cost of illness’’ for ADHD is estimated to be upwards of $52 billion. This is partly due to the most common treatment option. Drugs. More than 50% of children with ADHD are medicated. This generally continues on through out their life, even into adulthood.
Some sources such as this article written about ADHD describes the MOST effective treatment as medication and switching schools. What if there was a different option? An option that didn’t resort to drugging your children, or removing them from their current school.
New research is trying to demonstrate other options to help aid children with ADHD. Children diagnosed with ADHD often experience significant academic and sensory motor problems that make typical school activities a challenge. Sitting and paying attention are common problems for these children in the classroom, and children with ADHD often fail to complete assignments or underperform academically. Researchers set out to find a way to change this.
This research was performed with children using an Exercise or Posture Ball versus the conventional chair during classroom learning activities. The research indicates that improvements in sitting behavior were evident for all the participants when using therapy balls for seating. The children were able to focus, stay on task, and participate cooperatively during these sessions. Sleeping and disruptive behaviors were almost completely non-existent while using the Posture Balls.
Posture balls allow the children freedom of movement to help dissipate the angst of sitting still for hours. The ball allows back and forth and small movements, which exert the excess energy which children naturally, have. Minimizing the urge for disruptive behavior grants the child ability to focus on the task at hand, and refrain from acting out during classroom studies.
Even more exciting is that this method for helping children suffering from ADHD is inexpensive and does not include the negative or addictive side effects of medication. Most Posture Balls can be purchased for fewer than 40 dollars. They are also compatible with inclusive educational practice and interdisciplinary learning.
There are many forward thinking schools in the US that have already replaced their old chairs with inexpensive, attention improving Posture balls. There has been benefits for all children, not only those suffering from ADHD, as these Posture balls help reinforce core muscles, strengthening crucial postural habits during a child’s development.
For more information on this topic, or how you can suggest this information to your child’s school contact Dr. Wade at: API@americanpostureinstitute.com. Follow Dr. Wade or get an Online Posture Diagnosis at: www.americanpostureinstitute.com.
- Schilling, D. L., Washington, K., Billingsley, F. F., & Deitz, J. (2003). Classroom seating for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Therapy balls versus chairs. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57(5), 534-541.
- Center For Disease Control. Attention Deficit Disorder. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html
- Most Effective ADHD Treatments for Children? Medications and Switching Schools, Parents Say. http://www.additudemag.com/addnews/74/7639.html
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