Hundreds of health care professionals, just like you, have become certified in Postural Neurology. With the implementation of Postural Neurology, these health care practitioners in more than 30 countries worldwide have gotten better results with their patients, invigorating their practices.
Postural Neurology is a system to understand the neurology of the Posture System and how to analyze and correct neurologic dysfunction for optimal human performance and postural design.
Understanding neurology makes you powerful. Let’s face it, can you fully understand a patient’s case presentation without understanding the function of the brain, the master controller of the body? When practitioners understand the neurology in relation to the Posture System, they know exactly what to do in practice.
Working with patients is fun again when you understand neurology. Gain certainty in practice and fill your clinical tool belt with brain based postural correction strategies to make neuroplastic changes of the Posture System. Objective clinical results is the premise of Postural Neurology.
Don’t ignore the brain any longer, it is hurting your practice. Even worse, it can hurt your patients. When you understand the brain and the neurologic connections with the Posture System, you become a highly sought after practitioner. You become the doctor who you always dreamed of becoming on graduation day.
What to Expect with Postural Neurology
The most common phrase we hear from Certified Postural Neurologists is, “This is everything I wish I learned in school.” Expect Postural Neurology to fill in the blanks, to make those connections for you.
We all memorized a bunch of facts in school to pass exams. We learned neurology and human physiology. However, the connection was never made of how to apply this information from the textbooks to clinical practice. And so the majority of us ignore neurology in practice.
When you learn Postural Neurology expect to make the connection of which parts of the brain control static and dynamic posture, how you can evaluate the function of this anatomy, and how you can apply specific corrections to target different aspects of the neurology such as the motor cortex, the sensory cortex, the cerebellum, and the visual and vestibular systems within the brainstem.
Expect to develop clinical certainty with Postural Neurology. With each of the components of the Brain Based Posture Analysis you can implement post checks immediately after treatment application to determine the effectiveness of your treatment protocol. Watch the patient’s function improve before your eyes with the application of evidence-based treatment protocols. Now that’s something to be proud of!
‘Expect your patients to get long-term results. A large emphasis in Postural Neurolgoy is how to make neuroplastic changes. This means that you are literally changing the functional output of the brain so the patient has optimal human function and upright postural design. Your patients will hold their treatments longer with at-home Brain Based Postural Correction protocols.
Expect easy implementation. Despite the belief that the implementation of neurology requires a massive amount of time per patient and expensive new equipment, you can implement Postural Neurology into any practice worldwide with minimal investment of new equipment. In fact, you will multiple implementation strategies, choose the best fit for your office. Don’t have room for a rehabilitation room? No problem, your patients can still get great results by doing at-home Brain Based Posture Rehabilitation.
The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Postural Neurologist
With the implementation of Postural Neurology in your practice, the benefits are abundant. This is an ethical practice growth strategy because it is entirely based on results, not sales gimmicks to get your patient to over commit to a care plan. It is a logical, objective treatment plan based on developing neuroplastic changes.
Objective, measurable clinical results = happy patients = better patient compliance to their treatment plans = increased patient retention = more referrals to friends and family. Growing a practice by getting objective results is undoubtedly the most ethical practice growth strategy.
The Benefits of Postural Neurology are:
- Objective, predictable clinical results
- More certainty in practice
- Invigorate your desire to go to work everyday
- Get better results without spending more time with each patient or buying expensive new equipment
- Finally understand neurology and stop ignoring the brain
- Infinite practice growth
- Expert level financial compensation
You have seen real-life success stories with the implementation of Postural Neurology. You know the benefits of becoming a Certified Postural Neurologist and how Postural Neurology will invigorate your practice.
Health care professionals just like you are getting the best results they’ve ever gotten in practice, and they are growing their practices based on one core theme, RESULTS.
You met Dr. Rose in Part One this article series. She invigorated her clinic with the implementation of Postural Neurology and experienced a practice transformation! Join the elite and find out how you can implement Postural Neurology into your practice. Stop guessing, start knowing.
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