“Thank you, you have changed our daughter’s life!” exclaimed Mary, the mother of our 15-year old patient Sonia. “After speaking with the surgeon we decided to put off the surgery,” continued Mary as she hugged her daughter. Later that visit, while Sonia was doing her posture rehabilitation exercises, Mary told me, “I would have had…

3 Reasons Why Geriatric Patients Need Vibration Therapy
As the aging population in the United States continues to grow, there is a greater need for healthy aging strategies, and for safe rehabilitative therapies for the geriatric population. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, in 2013 the population of persons 65 years or older was 44.7 million, representing 14.1% of…

Postural Correction Results 4 x Faster
Unlock the mystery of how vibration therapy will help your patients obtain postural correction results 4 x faster. Vibration Therapy has gained tremendous support by fitness professionals for the promising weight loss results delivered quicker than traditional training methods. Discover why Vibration Therapy is not just a Hollywood Craze for weight loss and why it…

Overcome the Trepidations of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is classified as chronic widespread body pain. The pain can migrate to all parts of the body and vary in intensity. Patients describe the pain as shooting, deep muscular aching, throbbing, and twitching. Symptoms associated with fibromyalgia often have a higher level of severity in the morning. Most people with fibromyalgia also experience moderate…

10 minutes of Vibration Therapy is Better than 30 minutes of Traditional Exercise
Whole body vibration therapy has the competitive advantage over conventional training due to its ability to provide an effective and efficient exercise session without the constraints associated with regular training. Common constraints of traditional training protocols include joint stress, lengthy repetitions, and high time commitments. Researchers have shown similar strength gains to conventional resistance training…