Do you want more from your practice? Do you feel like you are fulfilling your aspirations and have become the doctor that you dreamed of becoming on graduation day? Or do you feel like you are flat in practice and could be doing so much more for your patients? If you have answered yes to…

“How Postural Neurology Invigorated My Practice” Part 1
“My practice is completely invigorated,” stated Dr. Rose, “Implementing Postural Neurology has changed everything for me! I love the material and am able to help my patients so much more now. They love getting results, and I’m excited about my practice again!” What would you do to feel invigorated in practice again? Many of us,…

Postural Neurology is Your GPS to Better Results
The Certified Postural Neurology program is the world’s leading postural neurology program. It’s a one hundred percent online course that is dedicated to understanding Brain Based Posture analyses and corrections to make Neuroplastic changes of the Posture System. Postural Neurology is 100% implementable. This course is jam-packed with clinical application gems that you can begin…

Overcome the 3 Most Common Limiting Beliefs of Neurology by Implementing Postural Neurology
We have listened to your pleas about neurology being hard to understand, your frustration with how expensive neurology seminars are, and how you just wish that neurology could be more practical! At the American Posture Institute we get it! We have experienced many of the same frustrations, leading to the creation of the Certified Postural…

The Neurology of Postural Movements
The neurology of motor movement is more complex than we often give credit to. Think about it, when was the last time you consciously thought about each movement required to make a coordinated gait pattern? Walking requires the movement of two legs and two arms while keeping the head, neck, and trunk in postural balance…

The Shift from Segmental Rehabilitation to Brain Based Postural Correction
What system controls and coordinates all other systems of the body? The neurologic system. What system provides the physical framework for all other systems of the body to resist gravity and function within our environment? The Posture System. These intricate systems work together to control and coordinate all experiences and actions throughout our lives. Postural…