To design a healthy change in societal patterns, it begins with changing the lifestyle habits of children. As children develop they are influenced by the norms to which they are exposed. By educating children about the importance of proper postural design, societal shifts toward a healthier population are possible. The new “normal” should be children…

Head Posture Restoration to Relieve Orofacial Pain
35 million Americans are just like Rosa. They present with painful temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and regular headaches that are affecting their home and professional life. What most patients don’t realize is that orofacial pain and headaches are directly associated with their postural presentation. For correction of TMJ dysfunction, structural head posture restoration is indicated….

Forward Head Posture, a Corporate Nightmare
Forward head posture is a corporate nightmare. Poor posture is a fundamental factor in keeping employees healthy and increasing their longevity and productivity in the workplace. Big businesses and small businesses simply can’t ignore the important role that posture plays in meeting their yearly goals. The corporate bottom line is greatly affected by employees’ postural…

The Health Epidemic of the Tech Era
Did you know that looking down at your phone while texting can cause dramatic health effects to your body? “Text Neck” is the condition of looking down at your phone for prolonged periods of time completely mindless of your postural presentation. We have all seen it… and we are all likely guilty of it. However,…

Studies Link TMJ Dysfunction and Forward Head Posture
35 million Americans are just like Rosa. They present with painful temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and regular headaches that are affecting their home and professional life. What most patients don’t realize is that orofacial pain and headaches are directly associated with their postural presentation. For correction of TMJ dysfunction, structural head posture restoration is indicated….

The Posture Secret for Secretaries
“I can’t believe I didn’t know this 13 years ago, it’s so simple!” exclaimed Angela, the secretary and administrative assistant for a prestigious interior design magazine. “I can’t wait to publish this in our magazine, these are simple tricks every secretary needs to know!” Angela has been suffering from neck pain for 3 years. She…

Research shows Forward Head Posture and cervical position are the cause of TMJ issues
Research shows Forward Head Posture and cervical position are the cause of TMJ issues As research continues to expand one topic is becoming certainly clearer: there is a statistically significant relationship between head posture, Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD), upper airway obstruction, and isometric endurance of the upper cervical flexor musculature. Forward head posture has been demonstrated…

Neck pain? Check your Posture
Neck pain? Check your Posture It is estimated that 70 percent of individuals will experience neck pain at some point in their life.1 Yet many of those individuals have no idea that the cause of their pain is related to their posture. Everyday we sit at desks, or drive in our cars, or spend time…