Beautifully designed posture requires designing efficiency in places where your patients spend the most amount of time. Help them understand the importance of designing their workspace in a way that supports and strengthens their postural framework, not weakens it. The terms human factor engineering and ergonomics have arisen in the research as highly effective ways…

Forward Head Posture, a Corporate Nightmare
Forward head posture is a corporate nightmare. Poor posture is a fundamental factor in keeping employees healthy and increasing their longevity and productivity in the workplace. Big businesses and small businesses simply can’t ignore the important role that posture plays in meeting their yearly goals. The corporate bottom line is greatly affected by employees’ postural…

Corporate Ergonomics: a Blue Ocean Market
Beautifully designed posture requires designing efficiency in places where your patients spend the most amount of time. Help them understand the importance of designing their workspace in a way that supports and strengthens their postural framework, not weakens it. The terms human factor engineering and ergonomics have arisen in the research as highly effective ways…