Plantar Fasciitis: Foot function starts with lumbo-pelvic posture.
Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the most common cause of heel pain for which professional care is sought. Approximately 10% of the United States population experiences bouts of heel pain, which results in 1 million visits per year to medical professionals for treatment of plantar fasciitis. The annual cost of treatments for plantar fasciitis is estimated to be between $192 and $376 million dollars. The most common treatment for PF is orthotic footwear. Although this is an effective solution for helping relieve the pain, it often doesn’t solve the cause of the problem. The posture of the pelvis plays a crucial role in the function of the foot. These types of Postural distortion patterns are directly related to the stress injury of Plantar Fasciitis.
Misalignment of the pelvis increases stress on the feet
Excessive or prolonged foot pronation has been linked to the development of numerous overuse injuries affecting the lower limb. This foot pronation has been shown in recent investigations to be connected to the role of the lumbo—pelvic hip complex. It has been identified to have a strong association between the proximal dysfunction and increased risk for the foot. Postural muscles of the core are essential to controlling the hip and rotation of the femur, affecting the ability of the foot to function correctly. Postural weakness, and incorrect alignment of the pelvis and lumbar spine have also been implicated in the development of plantar fasciitis, which has previously been attributed to excessive foot pronation.
Sitting too much can distort your pelvis
Postural distortion patterns of the lumbar spine and pelvis can be developed through improper daily habits. Sitting for extended periods of time during the day cause physiological changes in the musculature of the hip and legs. Trauma from incidents such as car accidents, falling, or even sleeping incorrectly can all alter the position of the spine and pelvis, thus negatively affecting the posture, and in return the function of the feet. This decrease in proper function of the feet increases stress on the plantar fascia as well as the structures in the foot causing an increase in plantar fasciitis.
Check your Leg Lengths
A quick check to see if you have a postural distortion pattern of the pelvis is to check your leg lengths. Lay face down and have someone look at the position of your heels. If one is shorter than the other you have a postural distortion pattern. To know for sure where your posture distortion pattern is developing get a Posture Diagnosis Online from the American Posture Institute at
4 Tips to decrease plantar fasciitis
- Stay Aware Of Posture While Running
- When training and running it is important to stay focused on correct form. When you get fatigued during your running, it will be easy to allow form to slip. You must stay focused on keeping your form correct while running to ensure your posture is correct and the stress on the feet are limited.
- Use Great shoes
- If you run frequently, good shoes with proper arch support are vital to the longevity of your feet. Invest in great shoes, and protect your feet.
- Stretch the Plantar Fascia
- Take a tennis ball or round object and place it under the bottom of your foot. Roll the ball firmly around the arch of your foot, using this to stretch the ligaments, muscles, and tendons of the feet. Do this every day for 2 minutes per foot.
- Stretch your hip flexors
- Stretch regularly and thoroughly the muscles of the hips to reduce distortion of the alignment of the legs. One major muscle group is the hip flexors. Kneeling, place one foot forward so that you are on one knee and one foot. Press your pelvis forwards and towards the ground. You should feel this stretch in the front of the hip. Hold this for 30 seconds, breathing deeply. Switch legs and repeat. Do this every day.
For more information on how your posture may be causing your health problems, how to stay healthy through proper posture, or for more ways to improve your posture contact Dr. Mark Wade at: or find more information like this at
- Proximal and distal contributions to lower extremity injury: A review of the literature. Vivienne H. Chuter, Xanne A.K. Janse de Jonge. Published Online: March 22, 2012. DOI:
- Biomechanics of Running. Donald B. Slocum, MD; Stanley L. James, MD 1968;205(11):721-728. doi:10.1001/jama.1968.03140370023006
- Plantar Fasciitis:
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