Do you wake up in the morning with the desire to achieve…
- Exponential practice growth?
- A scalable business plan that produces predictable revenue?
- Passive income that compounds your return on investment?
- A practice with a consistent influx of new patients who are committed to their treatment plans and who choose to stay longer?
Do you find yourself wanting more from your practice? Deep down do you wish you were viewed as an expert within your community – the Go-To Expert with authority in your community?
If you are a Dreamer, a Doer, and a Dedicated health care professional, then the solution is clear. You can get better results with your current client base and grow your practice exponentially by becoming a ‘Certified Ergonomist!’
To get results you’ve never gotten, then you need to do something you’ve never done.
What’s In It For Me?
When you become the Go-To Certified Ergonomist in your community, you will:
- Have expert authority
- Be sought after by local businesses and corporations
- Have a blue ocean of new clients at your finger tips
- Amplify exposure of your practice
- Feel self-fulfillment knowing that your clients are getting the best Postural Ergonomic recommendations for better results
There are three researched consumer behaviors that drive patients into health care offices worldwide. Patients want to look better, move better, and feel better. Posture is the only health care profession that simultaneously fulfills each of these health care consumer desires, making you the sought after expert.
Postural Ergonomics meets the needs of your target audience to exponentially increase your bottom line.
How to Grow Your Practice as the Go-To Certified Ergonomist
Practice growth as a Certified Ergonomist is simple to achieve with implementation of the steps provided below. Your exponential practice growth strategy is broken down into three components to grow your business from every angle: externally, internally, and with product sales.
Internal Practice Growth: Grow your practice internally by growing your internal referral network and increasing your profit per patient with Internal Ergonomic Programs and Ergonomic Kits.
- Internal Referral Network: Utilize your current patients or clients to your advantage by offering to perform Postural Ergonomic assessments of their businesses or workplaces complete with a Posture Workshop and Posture Images. For best results take Posture Images of all employees and offer them the opportunity to come in to your office for a free consultation.This is a great strategy to increase internal referrals. It grows your practice, plus it makes your client look good by bringing an expert into their workplace. Patients want to refer; offering to do corporate Postural Ergonomic Assessments in their workplace is a safe referral strategy.
When one of your current patients sets up a Postural Ergonomic visit to their workplace reward their good behavior to demonstrate your high level of appreciation for their referrals.
- Ergonomic Program and Ergonomic Kits: Engage your current patients and clients within your office. Set up Internal Ergonomic Programs as added value to your patients to promote healthy posture habits in their workplaces.Ergonomic programs include posture rehabilitation exercises that the patient can do on the job, ergonomic recommendations of how to properly design their workspace, and proper postural habits to increase their workplace performance.
Ergonomic Kits are the materials that support implementation of the ergonomic program. For example, Ergonomic Kits may contain a posture cushion to sit on for better posture at work, document holders to keep documents at eye-level, mouse and keyboard cushions, and a Theraband to perform posture exercises at work.
Ergonomic Programs and Kits are an ethical way to increase your collections per patient because it supports the work you are already doing in your practice to help your clients achieve better posture. The supplementary program and kit provides them with the tools that they need to be successful while on their job sites.
The Corporate Solution: Somebody needs to ‘Stand Up’ for the health needs of sedentary corporate workers within your community as the Go-To Ergonomic Expert. To have a consistent influx of pre-educated new clients, perform local Postural Ergonomic Assessments in your community.
On-Site Postural Ergonomic Assessments consist of three important components:
- Ergonomic Assessment with an Ergonomic Improvement Report: Perform the ergonomic assessment by evaluating current work conditions, risk for injury, and ability for employees to maintain proper posture in the workplace.Search for solutions that improve employee performance of occupational tasks. After completing the ergonomic assessment prepare an Ergonomic Improvement Report making suggestions of how the business can improve productivity, safety, prevention of injuries, and proper posture in the workplace of their employees.
The Ergonomic Improvement Report provides clear solutions for the business to implement. It is distributed to stakeholders of the company.
- Posture Workshop for Employees:
Provide value to the employees of the company directly by hosting a Posture Workshop that provides the employees with implementable solutions to have better posture while at work.Explain the Posture-Health Connection, the importance of proper posture and ergonomic design in the workplace, and tips for performing their job duties with proper posture.Provide participants with Posture Reminders so they are reminded throughout the day to check their posture. Posture Reminders can be bracelets that the workers wear or cling free stickers that they can place at their workstation to remind them to take frequent Posture Breaks and to maintain a neutral spine position while at work.
- Posture Images with a Free Consult (consult performed in your office): The final component of the On-Site Postural Ergonomic Assessment is to take Posture Images of employees. After the Posture Images are taken schedule them for a free 15-minute consultation in your office to explain the results of the Posture Image.By doing this you are bringing potential new patients into your office. During the 15-minute consultation you will explain the results of their Posture Image. If there is indication of postural distortion patterns the best recommendation is to schedule them for a complete Posture Analysis.
This is an ethical and strategic on-boarding process for consistent new patients or clients in your practice.
Increase Your Bottom Line with Product Sales: Selling ergonomic equipment is a good solution to passively increase your income each month. Sell the products for your Ergonomic Kits that patients will get when they sign up for the Internal Ergonomic Program.
Also, sell the items that you recommend on the Ergonomic Improvement Report. You have done the assessment, now provide the business with your best recommendation of ergonomic office supplies.
With the ability to sell products online, you don’t need to keep any supplies in house if you don’t have the storage space (although it is recommended to have the Ergonomic Kits on site). Your clients can order the products from your website and have them shipped directly to their house.
Ergonomic product sales is a simple solution to increase your profit per month while providing your clients with the products that they want and need to have proper postural design while at work.
You can grow your practice exponentially be becoming a Certified Ergonomist!
If you wake up in the morning with the desire to achieve practice growth and to serve your patients at a higher level, becoming the Go-To Ergonomic Expert in your community is the perfect solution for you.
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